February 5

Count Your Blessings Christian Book Launch

Books & Mini Series


"2020 has become a memorable year for me. It is the year when a lifelong dream became my reality; the year I became an author!"

I was 12 years old when I first dreamed of becoming an author having seen my name above a local car dealership in Brixton. I was walking along Acre Lane on my way to the market when I noticed the new showroom and looked up to see my name, or at least my nickname ‘VeePee’ in big bold letters and in that instant I said to myself that I would write a book and see my name in print. The 31st January saw that dream come to life with my first publication Count Your Blessings: A Book of Testimonies, and on the 1st February I hosted my very first book launch. I thank God that I have a testimony to share!

The build up to the launch seemed never ending, so much to think about and do, so little time to do it in, it seemed. Lots of ideas but which should I go with? I took to watching launches on YouTube which served to clarify what I did not want, which was a good thing, so time well used. There were so many lists to create and then to complete until finally the day and time was upon me and I arrived to the gathering of my guests, greeting one after another, a hug, a kiss, the shaking of a hand, a wave, a nod, a smile and before I knew it, it was time to take my seat. 

Months of preparation over, the main event was here and though nervous I was definitely ready. After a short opening prayer, one of my poems was brought to life in a reading by my goddaughter; she did a great job, it was like hearing it for the first time! I followed with a reading from my booked after which I took a few questions from the master of ceremonies and my audience. Time passed quickly and before I knew it, I was seated at a table signing books, some with personal messages.

Refreshments were served, gospel music gently filled the air, and my guests chatted amongst themselves, leafed through the book they’d just bought and waited patiently for me to sign their copy. They all seemed to have had a good time, as did I! God is SOOO good!

Vee Nathan

What's one of your lifelong dreams?

Seek God about it and when you feel Him prompting you to make it happen, trust that He'll be with you and will bring alongside the right person or people to help you.

About the author 

Vee Nathan

Hi there, I'm Vee! I'm a mother of two and a Community Learning Disability Nurse who loves sharing about my journey with God which began in my teens and is the moment life took on colour!

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