Media Info
Book Title: Count Your Blessings
Subtitle: A Book of Testimonies
Author: Vee Nathan
Categories: Christian Living, Spiritual Inspiration
Formats: Paperback, eBook
ISBNs: 978-1-9162962-0-6 (Paperback)
978-1-9162962-1-3 (eBook)
Pages: 234 (approx. 43,000 words)
Trim Size: 5” x 8” (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
Price: £8.99 (international prices vary)
Publication Date: 31/01/2020
Available from: Ingram, Amazon
Download includes a flat version of the book cover, the author profile photos & more.
Count Your Blessings: A Book of Testimonies
God Sees, God Hears, And He Certainly Answers.
In the midst of the challenges of life we can sometimes allow our very human nature to be our guiding force and (temporarily) forget that God can See, Hear and Answer us in every situation! Wherever you are right now in your journey and whatever the difficulties you face, I say to you what God said to me: “Count Your Blessings”.
In this book Vee Nathan has recorded a series of short testimonies that at their core will give you:
It is Vee’s hope that you will have as much pleasure reading, as she did recording her experiences, but above all, that you will grow to appreciate the height and depth and breadth of God’s love, the colours and textures and flavours of His presence, and the spectrum of sound that is His voice.
Author Bios
Short Bio: A mother of two, Vee Nathan is a Community Learning Disability Nurse who loves sharing about her journey with God which began in her teens and is described as the moment life took on colour!
Medium Bio: A mother of two, Vee Nathan is a Community Learning Disability Nurse and author in the UK. She loves to share about her journey with God which began in her teens and is described as the moment life took on colour! Her book Count Your Blessings is the telling of personal testimonies that serves to showcase God through the everyday life of an ordinary woman.
Long Bio: Vee Nathan is a Community Learning Disability Nurse by day and author by night in the UK. A mother of two, she loves sharing about her journey with God which began in her teens and is described as the moment life took on colour! Her book Count Your Blessings is the telling of personal testimonies that serves to showcase God through the everyday life of an ordinary woman; to highlight the power of prayer when facing life’s challenges; to make known God’s active and unfailing love, and to remind those who know, and inform others who don’t, that God is trustworthy.
Interview Material
Suggested Interview Topics
Suggested Interview Questions
- 1What was life like for you growing up and how is it that you came to describe the moment you met God as the moment life took on colour?
- 2What are a couple of ways in which God has taken your ordinary and turned into extraordinary results?
- 3How has God made all the difference in the everyday decisions you’ve made over the years?
- 4What led you to write your testimony and now publish it in your book Count Your Blessings?
- 5What practical things did you do that helped you hang on to your faith during challenging times in your life?
Book Summary & Excerpt
Please click on the following headings to read a longer description and an excerpt from Count Your Blessings: A Book of Testimonies.
Book Summary
Book Cover & Copyright Information
Sample Chapter - Pride and Humility
What can I say other than absolutely outstanding!
If I’m honest I didn’t know what to expect when I was given the book to read and as the author is my blood sister I assumed I knew her journey well enough so wasn’t anticipating anything so riveting that it would have me up in the middle of the night eager to begin a new chapter, ensuring it was in my bag each morning for my tube ride to and from work and sneaking in a couple of pages before preparing dinner in the evening!
As I turned each page I kept questioning who is this woman? So strong, so connected to the Lord, so wise, so obedient, so humble. Don’t get me wrong she’s never displayed any other character in all the years I’ve known her but reading of her life encounters in black and white and hearing testimonies that I would have been too young to know or understand filled me with awe and respect for the sister who has always been happy to take the back seat in family settings; who would smile sweetly but never engaged in anything ‘out of term’ so to speak and who would always offer words of wisdom and counsel to anyone that sought her advise. I suddenly realised why.
Her journey of intimacy with the Lord is written with such purpose and conviction that my own faith increased as I read of His greatness. Her skill in telling each story will keep every reader engaged from page one to the very end. Count Your Blessings is an easy read but a book full of depth, knowledge and wisdom that can only come from a deep relationship with God.
This is just the beginning I look forward to reading the other books that have been deposited in you by your Heavenly Father.
Denise Ewart
Counting blessings indeed, what a perfect balance of reflecting on my own blessings. Reading Vee's testimonies makes one to sit and reflect silently and indeed count our blessings. Testimonies tells the story in many ways, she is all of us. We all have extraordinary stories to tell. This book has given me a reason to be ever so grateful for the blessings.
Melanie Blair
LD Nurse
Count Your Blessings is a tool for your journey with God. It is full of faith.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book for many reasons. My first is the in-depth look I took at my own faith and this book has challenged me to trust God more. I would close the book after a reading a chapter and think about a situation in my life and ponder whether I had really prayed about it and taken it to God with the same faith that Vee Nathan would have and I found I would pray more specifically and the next day receive answered prayer.
Many chapters I hadn't been through same experiences but used them as a tool of resources should these situations ever arise, knowing I could refer back to someone else's testimony in this area which is an assurance I have peace with.
Other chapters I could relate to were like a comfort blanket as I walked through a similar situation. I would escape to my room and find a safe haven in these chapters.
Anyone and everyone can enjoy this book because it is about real life, we can all relate somewhere along the way. Also, I have seen more of God through count your blessings and seen He has done phenomenal things based on someone's trust and faith in Him. I look forward to more answered prayer!
Gemma Nathan
Worship Leader