The thief is the enemy of our soul, his intention is to destroy us by stealing our hope, our joy, our peace and finally our life; complete separation from God. In prayer one evening the Holy Spirit revealed his strategy, having attacked, neutralised and removed the head of the home and discouraged the children, he was now focussing on me, he wanted me to give up, to lose hope. He had disturbed my peace and put a damper on my joy. He wanted me to stop trusting God, to lose faith in Him, to believe He was unable to sustain me and provide for my family, after all, He hadn’t been able to save the marriage? If I fell for his tricks and fell away from the right path, who would be that example for our children? Who would teach them the truth? Who would let them know that when things get tough, they should hold on to God even tighter because He would not let go no matter what!
The Thief
Is the thief there at your door
Waiting there to give you more
Of heartache, headache, trouble, strife
Waiting there to steal your life?
He has stood there once before
When you’d left an open door
So he could knock and step right in
And fill your life with the din of sin.
But now at last you’ve closed that door
He’s not invited anymore
To make his home and dwell in you
And there is nothing he can do.
For Jesus Christ has paid the price
No, it was not the luck of the dice
But God’s plan, worked out carefully
To pay our debt and set us free.
If you call on his name and believe it’s true
That there is nothing that He cannot do
Then you can have peace of mind and rest
And day to day your sins confess.
For if you don’t it’s all too true
The thief will have power to accuse you,
Your door will stand open yet again
Tell me, are you able to bear the strain?
God’s plan is that you should have joy
And no! This is not another sales ploy
But His promise to all who will believe
In His Son and His Holy Spirit receive.
So, rejoice! Lift your hands shake a leg and be glad
I see no reason for you to be sad
Lift your head and your voice and let your mouth sing
Raise the roof and let those hallelujah’s ring
For our lord is God and worthy of praise
Let all earth rejoice and as one voice raise
Our praises up to heaven above
A sweet and fragrant token of our love.
by Vee Nathan
© 1998 Devalletta Nathan, whose pen name is Vee Nathan.
Can you relate?
Can you relate to the actions of the thief I’ve spoken about here? If so, let me know in the comments below and be encouraged to follow the narrow way that leads to righteousness.