For a season, and thank God it was a short one, rather than maintaining focus on God, I had focused on my problems, was introverted and therefore could see nothing but my own turmoil and couldn’t see a way out. Then one day I realised God had been trying to get my attention and while I’d heard Him all along, I had not actively listened!
I was too busy listening to myself, my own thoughts that kept going around and around in circles taking me nowhere fast. Then the day came when I thought ‘hang on, you’ve been here before, and you know it leads nowhere so why are you doing this again? This is not the way.’ I knew what the way was, so I stopped my busy racing mind and listened to the voice that had been trying to get my attention, trying to show me the way out.
A Helping Hand
Are you tired and weary and burdened with fear?
Did you ever consider there was someone to care?
Have you given up and thought “That’s it, I’m through”
When all the while God’s talking to you.
You have focused so much on the problem at hand
You are faint and weak, hardly able to stand.
You say “what’s the point, why go on anymore”
You have failed to see the open door.
You turn this way and that, look up and down,
But isn’t it time you just turn around?
And see what’s out there waiting for you.
Strong arms, to lift your burdens and see you through.
Life’s problems will often get in the way
Of the hope and freedom that is yours today,
When you call on the Lord and believe He will do
All of the things He has promised you.
Here’s my hand, take a hold of it now,
Don’t wonder where, or when, or how.
It may not look big or strong to you
But you’ll be amazed at what it can do.
My hands are an extension of Gods’ hands on earth.
Able and willing, for all they are worth.
by Vee Nathan
© 1998 Devalletta Nathan, whose pen name is Vee Nathan.
Take a moment...
Think of at least one way in which God has offered you a helping hand recently. If you care to, then do share of the goodness of God with us.