February 13

Remember Christ The Solid Rock On Which You Stand

Christian Poetry


This poem was written from my hospital bed following God’s command to write poetry. It is one of several ‘healing’ poems that I wrote over 3 days on Christ the solid rock on which I stand. The conclusion that GOD is the most important person in my life brought much needed perspective.

I Have You

When the past is gone
And the future is not yet,
I have the present,
I have you.

When it is dark and I cannot see,
Or the brightness of your light blinds me,
I have sight
In you.

When it is dry and my lips are chapped,
Or scorched with the heat of your love,
I quench my thirst
In you.

When I am wading through your blessings,
Bubbling over with living waters,
I reach out
To you.

by Vee Nathan

© 1998 Devalletta Nathan, whose pen name is Vee Nathan.

Stand firm in Christ

I pray this poem will work as a reminder to both you and I to consider all things in perspective.   

About the author 

Vee Nathan

Hi there, I'm Vee! I'm a mother of two and a Community Learning Disability Nurse who loves sharing about my journey with God which began in my teens and is the moment life took on colour!

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