When you receive shocking news, several responses are possible. When I first learned that the person dearest to my heart (after God) did not hold me in the same position, did not know what position, if any, I held; it was a shock, a massive blow! One of the key pillars on which the relationship was built was missing. How could this be? I didn’t know what to do or how to feel. I went through the processes of everyday life by remote control it seemed because everything appeared to continue as usual but my mind was not engaged at all, it was numb, and I felt…. Empty! This poem came out of that void.
I walk…I talk…I smile
I cook…I clean…I shop
Everything seems normal.
I laugh and converse
Make small talk and sing
but deep down inside I am
…… empty.
This void is so big I could get lost in it
yet once it was filled with love
Now it’s taken away
Lord God in heaven I pray
Will you fill it again and fill it soon?
My only hope is in
…… you.
I try to be strong
and try to be brave,
but every so often
I go through this phase
of weakness and then
I’m afraid that I’ll lose
…… control,
for my tears will not cease,
and I cannot find peace.
Then I cry out to God…
help me…please!
I know He’ll not give me
more than I can
…… stand,
But sometimes my emotions
get out of hand.
Then I quickly find solitude
to let go of the reigns
That holds my emotions
in very tight
…… chains.
By Vee Nathan
© 1998 Devalletta Nathan, whose pen name is Vee Nathan.
In the midst of it all...
Do you know how it feels to go through something so shocking that it leaves you numb or feeling empty? Whether you’re remembering a situation from the past or are experiencing such a storm in your life right now, hold tight to God, your ever present help and comfort.