January 16

Where’s The Hand Of God In This?

Christian Poetry


The inspiration for this poem called 'The Hand of God' came out of my prayer time, not long after my husband walked out of our marriage. Looking back, I would describe myself as ‘the walking wounded’ each day seemed an interminable and tortuous event that there was no escape from.

I woke up each morning, I was alive and thankful to God that I was, I had children to care for, work to carryout, a home to maintain, family and friends to see, my church family a few streets or phone call away. I had so much going for me but it didn’t feel like it. I felt numb, bemused, confused, shocked most of the time and one morning as I prayed and cried out to God telling him exactly how I felt, like ‘the rug has been pulled from under my feet’ He told me in no uncertain terms that His Hands were under the rug so I should stand……!

The Hand of God

When they say ‘come, take a seat’ then give you news your strength to deplete,
Thank God in Christ there is no defeat, the hands of God are beneath your feet.

The storms will come and thunders roll, hell may appear to break loose and the death knell toll, but have no fear, your God is near, victory is complete in The One whose hands are beneath your feet.

And when you are full of turmoil and fear, full of confusion and nothing seems clear, you’ll look for security, for something concrete and find His hands beneath your feet.

So, each day you rise another challenge to meet, remember in this army there’s no room for retreat. We are moving forward and upward one day in the sky to meet, The Rock whose hands are beneath our feet.

Stand firm then and stand tall while each other you greet, and reach out to the world as new faces you’ll meet. Share the gospel in a nutshell as though it were a treat, and tell others of your Saviour whose hands are beneath your feet.

by Vee Nathan

© 1998 Devalletta Nathan, whose pen name is Vee Nathan.

Did this poem speak to you?

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About the author 

Vee Nathan

Hi there, I'm Vee! I'm a mother of two and a Community Learning Disability Nurse who loves sharing about my journey with God which began in my teens and is the moment life took on colour!

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  • Hi Miss Nathan,
    Thank you for sharing, God is a great God. It’s just beautiful how he just turn up in times of trouble. He is our rock and help whenever we need him. Beautiful poem ? ❤ ?

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