March 30

Regularly Meet With God In Private

Books & Mini Series


If you haven’t already got one, I’d recommend you choose a room, a space in a room, a time, or all of the above where you can take time out from the clamour and busyness of life and spend time with God.

Every relationship needs time, a whole range of different kinds of time, but priority should be given to quality time. This is where we can get to know and understand on a deeper level, where we connect with the heart of a loved one and understand who they are and what you mean to them. We can become so busy with family, friends, church, work, and so many other related things that our quiet time is rushed and quality time hardly exists! A little trouble, in whatever form this takes often has the doubtful benefit of re-focussing us, reminding us of what is important, essential, and what is not. It’s amazing how quickly our priorities change. 

When I found myself facing separation and divorce, I felt lost! Unable to think clearly, unable to grasp fully the implications for my life, unable to face another long, and what to me then, was a tortuous day. I didn’t know what to do, where to go, or who to turn to except God and all it took was one word, “Father” and he was right there ready to hear my cry and to let me know that I am not alone. But God doesn’t just want us to run to him when we’re in trouble, He wants us to want to spend time with him, to retreat to our quiet place and immerse ourselves in His word and in prayer and most importantly to learn how, and remember to listen. Head there as often as you need to in any given day, but also because you desire to!

About the author 

Vee Nathan

Hi there, I'm Vee! I'm a mother of two and a Community Learning Disability Nurse who loves sharing about my journey with God which began in my teens and is the moment life took on colour!

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