March 30

Shield Your Mind From The Lies Of The Enemy

Books & Mini Series


As a child I remember my mother remonstrating with one or other of my siblings who had somehow managed to take advantage of a situation because she had relaxed the rules a little, stating that she had given them a foot (12 inches) and they had taken a yards (36 inches) imperial measurement. In a similar way our enemy actively seeks out ways and means to steer us off course; we need only take our eyes of Christ for the briefest of moments and he will gladly take advantage, and before we know it, we find ourselves off course, remember he has no love for us.

One of the ways he achieves this is via ‘ego’ that little word is often responsible for great hurts and errors. When my marriage ended, a few things were said that affected my self-image and for the briefest of moments I entertained them, I allowed those negative words to enter my head, giving the enemy his metaphorical ‘foot’. It wasn’t long before he began to find fault with so many other things about me (the metaphorical yard) and I entertained his lies and was so distressed that I lost sight of what God said about me until He called me to task, after all, I knew His voice didn’t I?

God has a voice and so too does the enemy so we must learn to recognise them and not be led astray. To do this you will need to:

  • Read the word, know what God says, especially what he says about who you are in Christ and use those scriptures to fight the lies the enemy tries to plant in your mind and overcome his deception. Remember he can be very subtle, he might use an old truth, one already laid at the foot of the cross, or he might distort a truth, or suggest a new truth. Check them out, do they conform to the word of God?
  • Spend time with God so you recognise His presence, his voice, his promptings. So that you can know His heart and bare yours for scrutiny. So that you can give and receive his love and warm embrace, so that you can experience His gentle reproofs and reassurances.
  • Bring to mind any prophetic words God’s spoken over your life. In my case one of those was ‘try me and prove me, with me you are safe’ those thoughts I had entertained had not made me feel safe at all.
  • Do you know what God’s will for you is, are you walking in it? If we step out of his will, we can expect trouble.

Remember too that we are in an army, we are soldiers so a ‘peaceful’ life is not for us, however, the ‘Peace of God’ the peace He gives will remain with us even in the storm if we keep our eyes on Him.

About the author 

Vee Nathan

Hi there, I'm Vee! I'm a mother of two and a Community Learning Disability Nurse who loves sharing about my journey with God which began in my teens and is the moment life took on colour!

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