April 10

Seek Out Good Counsel

Books & Mini Series


Reach out to family and/or friends who know you well, who you trust can come alongside you, listen to you, provide a shoulder to cry on, pray with you and give good counsel.

It is so important to have someone to confide in, to open your heart and share your troubles with. Someone who is available and accessible day and night, 24/7 in the initial stages and long-term. Ultimately, only God could fit that brief. However, we’re all born into a family and many of us have two families, our biological and our church families.

In my case I first reached out to my Heavenly Father who, apart from sending his Holy Spirit ‘The Comforter’, also sent me a counsellor in human form who bore the surname – Victory! He was an unexpected visitor in need, who became an unexpected friend indeed; who supported, encouraged, counselled and prayed for me. When I first heard that name …. I was elated! It symbolised VICTORY! In that moment I knew God was telling me that he had given me victory over my circumstances, over my hurt and disappointment, victory over the plans of the enemy to crush and destroy me.

My own family made their presence felt and closed ranks around me to uphold and support me. My pastor and his wife were priceless during this period of my life. Their doors were open to me without prior appointment and they always seemed to know just what I needed. An ear to listen, a private space to cry, a prayer, guidance, objectivity, acceptance. They were great!

They all helped me through those times, I could not have done it on my own. We all need someone at some point in our lives and I thank God he provided me with that special someone time and again. My prayer is that we all will have at least one person we can reach out to in confidence when we are troubled, or need a friend, and I would encourage you to put God first on your list.

About the author 

Vee Nathan

Hi there, I'm Vee! I'm a mother of two and a Community Learning Disability Nurse who loves sharing about my journey with God which began in my teens and is the moment life took on colour!

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