We serve God by serving others.
Take your mind off of yourself and your problems for a moment by serving through your local congregation in some capacity. Speak to your leaders and offer your gifts and talents to the work of the church, and if you’re already doing so, don’t stop unless you need to for an agreed period only, then get back to it. Our enemy will look for opportunity to isolate/separate you from the body of Christ and could use what was meant as a temporary break to become a permanent one; having a return date keeps you accountable and closes the door to his kind of mischief.
Being active in the church can be a great help. You may have heard of the saying ‘the Devil make work for idle hands’; while that may not be true in all cases, using our time and talents/skills in a constructive way that blesses others and glories God leaves little room for him to manoeuvre and serves to focus your mind on uplifting rather than negative or worrying thoughts.